Integration Guides


Type: JSON

This attribute can be used to customize content on the Croissant Modal. For an overview of the properties and types available, see below:

type ModalContent = {
  logo?: {
  	src: string; // The URL for your logo's image. It should be about 24px x 24px
    alt: string; // Alt text for the logo image.
  textLogo?: {
    src: string; // The URL for an image of your brand's name.
    // It should be about 15px(H) x 115px(W)
    alt: string; // Alt text for the logo image.
  hasToggle?: boolean; // Defaults to true. 
  // Determines whether the modal will have an embeded opt-in toggle.


<croissant-toggle custom-modal-content="{ // See Typescript tab for an example of how to set this attribute
      logo: {
        src: '',
        alt: 'logo',
      textLogo: {
        src: '',
        alt: 'merchant name',
      hasToggle: true,
 const customModalContent = {
      logo: {
        src: "",
        alt: "logo",
      textLogo: {
        src: "",
        alt: "merchant name",
      hasToggle: true,

const toggle = document.querySelector("croissant-toggle");

