Integration Guides

Before you start

Use our Retailer API to sync your catalogue, update products, and share order information.

Direct API Integrations

Catalogue Sync & Updates /products

Feed Endpoint: If your store uses a catalogue feed endpoint, we can automatically sync and update products as they change in the feed.

API: You can use the Retailer API to PUT products, updates, and orders into our system.

Share Orders /carts

Make a server-side API call containing certain information about all of your users orders, regardless if they are opted in to Croissant. This will update your customer's Croissant collections as well as provide valuable data to measure the impact of Croissant on your store.

Shopify Integrations

If your store is on Shopify, you can simply use the Croissant Shopify Admin App to sync your catalogue, update products, and share orders, instantly and automatically.