Integration Guides


Customization Attributes

All of these attributes are optional. Use them to change the Buyback Badge style.


This attribute can be used to customize the look of the Croissant Buyback Badge. You can customize select CSS properties via a JSON object. For an overview of the properties and types available, see below:

type OptInContainerStyles = {
  primaryColor?: string; // This will replace the default Croissant blue
  secondaryColor?: string; // This will replace the default grey background
  defaultFontFamily?: string; // This font family will be applied on the entire container
  defaultFontSize?: number; // Default is 12 - will be applied in px

Example (with default styling):

<croissant-opt-in-container custom-styles= "{
    primaryColor: 'blue',
    secondaryColor: '#d9d9d9',
    defaultFontFamily: 'var(--croissant-font-family--main)',
    defaultFontSize: 12,